Thursday, October 30, 2008

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Championship Game Pics - 11/8/08

Bingham Gold vs. Bingham Silver
(13-7 Bingham Gold!!)

2008 State Champs!! Welcome Home Pee Wee Gold! What more is left to be said?! Boys, you worked hard all season, you played hard all season, and your efforts paid off. You had some tough games, and you stuck together through to the end. It was a hard fought game against Bingham Silver, and you came back and showed them the stuff Champions are made of! Way to go! Final score...13-7. A fairy tale ending to an incredible season. Memories last forever...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Playoff Game Pics - 11/1/08

Bingham Gold vs. Riverton Copper
(20-6 Bingham)

You earned a great win today boys ... What a game!! First quarter started out strong, and our team put the first points on the board by scoring a touchdown and earning an extra point. 7-0. Riverton came back in the second quarter with what wound up being their only touchdown of the game. They missed their extra point, and we remained ahead 7-6 until we caught a beautiful long pass and fell right into the end zone. This moved the score to 13-6 by the end of the second quarter, and Riverton was unable to catch up from there on out. Our final points were earned in the third quarter where we caught another incredible long pass and ran it home. It was a perfect play! Our boys followed through with a final extra point, finishing the score off at 20-6. Defense worked hard to keep Riverton at bay, and did a great job. They made the necessary adjustments and shut down Riverton's offense for the rest of the game. Riverton wanted it, but our boys wanted it more! Way to execute, team! You fought hard and kept your heads in the game through to the end. And what a reward ... you're headed to Championships! Things sure have a way of coming full circle, don't they?! Our team will face Bingham Silver again, and our boys will seize the opportunity to redeem themselves and put the Gold vs. Silver rivalry to rest once and for all. And better yet, this time we're wearing blue!! It will be a game to remember. Come on boys - WORK HARD! It's time to TAKE STATE!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pep Rally - 10/29/08

Our team got to participate in Bingham District's annual Pep Rally in order to celebrate playoffs. It was a fun night for the boys. They did a little practicing, and then they got to play for the rest of the night. Our team and parents had donuts and hot chocolate before the pep rally, and we gave out lots of gifts! The boys each received a laminated Bingham game jersey (made out of posterboard) as a spirit decoration to take home and put in their yards in honor of playoffs. They also received beanie hats, along with the coaches. Thanks to Donna Craghead's efforts, all the moms got fun scarves to wear to playoffs and Championships, and the cheer squad received cute white ear warmers and mittens to wear with their cheer uniforms. Now we're all decked out in true Bingham spirit!! A speical thanks to the many people who helped our team get ready for pep rally. We have the best team parents in town! The next two games are going to be GOOD! And it will be two games, right?! ... It HAS to be two, because our boys are going to win their first round playoff game and then move onto Championships, right?! Go Pee Wee Gold!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Game Pics - 10/25/08

Bingham Gold vs. Riverton Grey
(19-0 Bingham)

WAY TO GO PEE WEE GOLD!! You came ready to play ball today, and it showed! It was a huge, decisive win over Riverton Grey, who came into today's game undefeated. You worked hard, you played hard, you pulled together like champions, and you have become champions! The game opened with a huge kickoff return sweep up the right side of the field and into the end zone, putting an immediate touchdown on the board for Bingham. What a way to catch Riverton's attention! After our initial sweep, we continued in an offensive stale mate for two more quarters. Our defense remained unstoppable however, allowing no points for Riverton, and frustrating several of their attempts to push the ball over the line. The stale mate ended in the fourth quarter where we scored a second, much needed touchdown, bringing the score to 12-0. This all but ended Riverton's hopes of pulling ahead at the end. And to make a statement, our offense shut the door on Riverton by capitalizing yet again on a great play at the end of the fourth quarter, punching a final touchdown into the end zone, and scoring a final extra point for Bingham. No mistaking it - the game ended in a huge 19-0 shut out for Bingham. INCREDIBLE TEAMWORK BOYS!! Your consistent execution and effort resulted not only in the toppling of Riverton Grey's undefeated status, but in your earning the title of Conference Champions! We are now in first place heading into the playoffs! It looks like we will be playing Riverton Copper for playoffs, and Riverton Grey will be playing Bingham Silver. The winners of our conference's two playoff games will then compete together in the State Championships on November 8th. We've got a couple of big games left ahead of us! Go Pee Wee Gold!

Keep up the hard work and let's TAKE STATE!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

BYU Football Visit - 10/21/08

A special thanks to all who participated in our team's BYU Football Visit last night. We had a really fun, memorable evening together!! The boys were able to take a tour through the Cougar Hall of Fame and also through the upstairs hallways and rooms of the Student Athletic Building that are decked out with historical murals, huge photographic murals, paraphenalia, etc. The baseball team was working out in the weight room last night, and so unfortunately we weren't able to walk through the locker room or the weight room. I can upload pics of them from last year if anyone wants to see them :). The BYU football team did not practice on their regular outdoor practice field last night - but I got a couple of pics of it anyway. Instead, we walked across the street to the beautiful, huge Indoor Practice Facility where we were able to watch the last 20-30 minutes of practice.

Afterward, Mona Weidner handed out white BYU footballs to our boys and they were able to get lots of player signatures on them! We even ran across our very own Bingham Miner, Justin Sorensen, now turned BYU Cougar #18! The boys had fun hanging with him for a minute after practice was over.

It was especially neat to have five BYU players and their wives join us for pizza afterward at the Pizza Factory! Amazing fun!! Austin Collie (WR #9), Max Hall (QB #15), Dennis Pitta (TE #32), Bryce Mahuika (WR #2), Reed White (WR #20), along with their wives (McKinzi, Brooke, Mataya, I don't know Bryce's wife, and Haley). The team really got spoiled with some up close and personal attention from the players! I think our boys all feel that they have a new set of best friends :). I do have to say that this group of BYU players is really sharp, and they are incredible role models for any young boy to have. I'm so glad our team had the chance to meet them and visit with them last night.

And as a souvenir, I found these really fun BYU Football PEZ candy dispensers. What can I say? They were PERFECT! I just couldn't resist getting them for the boys to take home and keep as a fun memento of our night. I gave them to the BYU players too, and they thought they were the coolest thing ever :). Of course - how could they not, with BYU Football written all over them and all :). Thanks team for sharing such a fun night with me!!

* Austin Collie of the BYU team for working with me to get this visit booked.
* The parents who helped carpool our team down to BYU, and those who joined us just for fun!
* Stathi Floor for his efforts in filming our visit for us.
* Mona Weidner for bringing footballs for our boys to get player signatures on.
* The Pizza Factory for hosting us for dinner afterward.
* The BYU players and their wives that took time out of their schedules to join us for dinner.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Game Pics - 10/18/08

Bingham vs. Alta Silver (crossover)
(8-6 Bingham)

Way to pull it off Bingham! A win is a win no matter how you slice it. It was a beautiful day for football, and a very welcome reprieve from the weather of the past couple of Saturdays. Our defense started off the game nicely by scoring a safety during the first quarter. Go defense ... You put the first points on the board! The rest of the game continued at a stale mate until Alta finally worked its way up to our endzone. Our team managed to hold Alta off for multiple plays before they were finally able to push the ball over the line. We had a quick recovery, as we caught a long pass and ran in a beautiful touchdown with only a couple of minutes left in the game. Whew! Way to step it up for the win boys! We remain in second place just behind Riverton Grey, who we will meet up with next Saturday. It will be a great game to finish off our regular season, and it will also determine our playoff game opponent. Go Bingham!! It's time to smash the Silverwolves!

Friday, October 17, 2008


10/16/08 - Team Movie Night

Best Line:
"I want you to be forever strong on the field so you'll be forever strong off it."

Our team went straight over to the movies after practice to watch the rugby film called Forever Strong. It's a story about a very talented but troubled rugby player who leaves his team (which his dad also happens to coach), and joins their team's biggest competitor: Highland. The Highland coach and players inspire him to turn his life around. He ultimately winds up playing the team his father coaches at the National Championships...and wins! It's a story about courage, strength, family relationships, hard work, discipline, and clean-living.

Another Quotable:
"Life's greatest victories are born in the heart..."

The boys were noisy and they all had a great time together. Chalk it up to another fun team memory!...

Game Pics - 10/11/08

Bingham Gold vs. Park City White
(28-0 Bingham)

Well, we expected an instant replay of last week's weather, but we were so ultra-prepared that the rain got scared away! The clouds cleared out as the game progressed, and our boys came to life in the second quarter, where they scored a total of 20 points! Our offense continued to finish of the scoreboard in the third and fourth quarters with another touchdown in the third quarter and a safety to top it all off right at the end of the game. Defense remained strong throughout, allowing no points to Park City, and earning the team another round of shut-out treats at Monday's practice. Way to go defense!! Next up is our crossover game against Alta Silver. Although it will not count toward our regular season stats, a crossover win or loss could determine a tie breaker, should the need arise. We are running neck and neck with Riverton Grey, and our upcoming game with them on the 25th will ultimately determine our playoff ranking and our playoff opponent. Our team has continued to improve all season, and the players are working hard together! Nice shut-out boys! Keep up the great work! ... We've got some big games ahead of us!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Game Pics - 10/4/08

Bingham Gold vs. Alta Crimson
(7-0 Bingham)

Congrats to our boys on a hard-earned win against Alta Crimson! Cold, wet, and rainy was the name of the game today. It was our team's first time playing on a slippery field this season, and it gave the players some valuable experience to know what it feels like to play ball in bad weather. It was really nice to have a 5-gallon jug of hot chocolate on the sidelines, two easy-ups, and a propane heater to help curb the cold! In spite of numerous fumbles and slips by both teams as they fought to hold onto the ball, our boys managed to break the stale mate and take a touchdown home during the 3rd quarter. They topped it off by scoring an extra point for good measure. It wound up being the only touchdown of the game, and fortunately for us, it worked in our favor. Any way you slice and dice it, 7-0 is still a win and it is still a shut-out! Great job hanging in there boys! You fought hard, and you kept your heads in the game until the very end. Inches make champions! Next up is Park City White who lost 0-32 today against Bingham Silver. Our team remains solidly in second place just behind Riverton Grey, who we will have the chance to meet up with on October 25th. It's going to be a great rival game! Go Bingham Gold! You rock!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Game Pics - 9/27/08

Bingham Gold vs. Riverton Copper
(33-0 Bingham)

WELCOME HOME BINGHAM GOLD! What a game! Our boys were prepared for Riverton Copper, who came into yesterday's game undefeated. Our offensive and defensive lines did an amazing job and remained strong and consistent throughout the game. Everything came to life in the second quarter, where our offense intercepted the ball and ran it home for a touchdown. We scored an extra point in that same series and remained strong for the rest of the quarter, where our boys scored another touchdown and another extra point. This brought the score to 14-0 by the end of the second quarter and helped build our momentum for the remainder of the game. Third quarter was equally strong with two more touchdowns and a fumble recovery by our boys, raising the score to 26-0. And to top off a fantastic game, fourth quarter shut the door on Riverton Copper with another interception, leading to our final touchdown and extra point for the game. 33-0. Our defense came ready to play ball, and worked hard to shut down Riverton's offense. This made it impossible for Riverton to build any momentum throughout the game. Way to go defense! Congrats on another shut-out game! Our boys played hard and stayed the course to the end. We are now firmly in second place just behind Riverton Grey, who is the only team that remains undefeated in our conference. Next up is Alta Crimson who beat Alta Pewter 18-7 on Saturday. GO BINGHAM!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Game Pics - 9/20/08

Bingham Gold vs. Alta Pewter
(19-12 Bingham)

What a comeback! Way to go Bingham Gold! Our boys rose to the occasion today by beating Alta Pewter. The team looked strong and remained dominant throughout the game. They came very close to scoring more than once in the first quarter, but the end zone eluded them. The boys played hard though and made it up in the second, third, and fourth quarters, where they scored a touchdown per quarter for the remainder of the game plus an extra point in the second quarter. Alta Pewter lucked out in the fourth quarter with two touchdowns, the second one happening right at the end of the game. Alta amazingly caught a long 25 yard pass, which put them just outside of the end zone. They were able to punch a final touchdown over the line with only a couple of minutes left on the clock. Our team worked hard all week long at practice, and it showed! They united together and played well today - in spite of lots of wind and the few occasional rain bursts that hung overhead for most of the game. We are currently ranked in second place for our conference, and are running neck and neck with Riverton Copper and Bingham Silver. Next up is Riverton Copper who beat Bingham Silver today and remains undefeated in our conference. Riverton has put up a powerhouse football program these past few years, and it is sure to be another great game. Go Bingham Gold ... Whip the Silverwolves next Saturday!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Game Pics - 9/13/08

Bingham Gold vs. Bingham Silver
(0-27 Bingham Silver)

Heartbreaker! Our boys experienced a tough loss on Saturday - their first of the season. Bingham Silver came to play ball, and they were ready for us. In the end, our boys played well in several areas this game, and Bingham Silver's points on the board came largely from their ability to capitalize on their exceptional field position as they began three of their scoring series within 5 yards of the end zone. The boys learned some great lessons, and they remained positive and gave their full effort throughout the game. Fortunately for the team, it was a regular season game and not a playoff game. They have quite a few Saturdays left to play, and many more chances to shine! Our boys have learned that they have to earn every game, and that they have to work together as a team in order to win. They will come back strong next week, and if we get the chance to meet up with Bingham Silver again, we'll be ready for them!! Next up is Alta Pewter who won 14-0 on Saturday against Riverton Grey. Go Bingham Gold!! You ROCK!!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Game Pics - 9/6/08

Bingham Gold vs. Copper Hills Silver
(33-0 Bingham)

Way to go Bingham! It was another impressive win over Copper Hills Silver on Saturday. Here's how it played out ... First quarter started out strong again this game with a couple of touchdowns and an extra point, and our good fortune continued on in the second quarter with a nice fumble recovery, a touchdown with an extra point, and an impressive interception - all of which set the flow of the game. The boys gulped down watermelon and drinks at halftime and came back ready to show their stuff again in the last half with a touchdown in both the third and fourth quarters and a final extra point in the fourth quarter - bringing our total score to 33. And once again, our defense was outstanding, allowing no points and giving very little overall yardage to Copper Hills. And so stands our motto - "If they can't score, they can't win!" Way to go defense! Our boys have become a team and are having a terrific season together. Our only regrets of the game are the two ankle injuries suffered by Parker Nay and Mac Tebbs. We hope they're recovering nicely and will be able to re-join us again this Saturday. Next up is a big rival game against Bingham Silver, who won 13-0 on Saturday against Alta Pewter. Keep up the great work boys. It will be a good one ... Go Bingham!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Game Pics - 8/30/08

Bingham Gold vs. Taylorsville Gold
(52-0 Bingham)

How about those Miners?! Our boys had a huge win for our season opener against the Taylorsville Warriors, and they got the chance to shine in spite of the dust, heat, and wind. First quarter started out stong with two touchdowns plus an extra point scored, and second quarter followed with a couple of more rushing touchdowns. Third quarter began with a nice kick return touchdown, and the tide continued in our favor with a couple of terrific fumble recoveries on defense, another rushing touchdown, and two extra points scored. Fourth quarter ended Bingham's scoring spree with two more rushing touchdowns and a final extra point. Defense remained stong the entire game and didn't allow any opposing plays to make it around the ends. Both our stong offense and defense made it very difficult for Taylorsville to get anything good going the entire game. We'll take two touchdowns per quarter any day of the week! ... Although we're sure to meet up with tougher opponents in future games. The boys have worked hard for five weeks to prepare for their first season game, and they stepped up to meet the challenge. Way to go boys and congrats on a great win! We are ranked first in our division after Saturday's game and are now officially on the road to the championship! Next up is Copper Hills Silver, who lost 6-7 against Bingham Silver on Saturday.

Water Balloon Fight - 8/26/08

The boys had a great time at our surprise water ballon fight after practice! We had quite the arsenal ... almost 700 balloons were filled just for this occasion! Who do you think got wetter - the players or the coaches?! It's hard to tell... Thanks to all who helped create a fun memory for the team.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Pre-Season Game Pics - 8/23/08

Bingham Gold vs. Taylorsville Gold
(39-0 Bingham)

What a fun, hot, sweaty football day for our boys! Way to shut out the Taylorsville Warriors! It seems that the concensus for our final score is 39-0. (Did anyone keep track of the score the entire time?!) One of the neatest things about football season is seeing these boys come in as individual players and then transform themselves into a team. It's magical. It was a great day out there on the field for our boys - with nothing less than complete and total domination ... both on offense and defense. Our offense was very strong, with players working hard together to block, create holes, and score touchdowns. Our ball carriers did a great job dodging bullets and crossing the line, all of which made it possible to post an impressive score on the board. And what more can be said about our defense?!! If our opponent can't score, they can't win! Our defense remained strong throughout the entire game and did a great job blocking, tackling, and running defensive plays. Great job boys! Everyone had a good time, and it was a great day for boosting confidence and team spirit among the players. Now ... if we can only pull off an instant replay next week - when the score counts! It will be "Take Two" against the Taylorsville Gold Team. GO BINGHAM GOLD!