Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Game Pics - 8/30/08

Bingham Gold vs. Taylorsville Gold
(52-0 Bingham)

How about those Miners?! Our boys had a huge win for our season opener against the Taylorsville Warriors, and they got the chance to shine in spite of the dust, heat, and wind. First quarter started out stong with two touchdowns plus an extra point scored, and second quarter followed with a couple of more rushing touchdowns. Third quarter began with a nice kick return touchdown, and the tide continued in our favor with a couple of terrific fumble recoveries on defense, another rushing touchdown, and two extra points scored. Fourth quarter ended Bingham's scoring spree with two more rushing touchdowns and a final extra point. Defense remained stong the entire game and didn't allow any opposing plays to make it around the ends. Both our stong offense and defense made it very difficult for Taylorsville to get anything good going the entire game. We'll take two touchdowns per quarter any day of the week! ... Although we're sure to meet up with tougher opponents in future games. The boys have worked hard for five weeks to prepare for their first season game, and they stepped up to meet the challenge. Way to go boys and congrats on a great win! We are ranked first in our division after Saturday's game and are now officially on the road to the championship! Next up is Copper Hills Silver, who lost 6-7 against Bingham Silver on Saturday.