Sunday, September 28, 2008

Game Pics - 9/27/08

Bingham Gold vs. Riverton Copper
(33-0 Bingham)

WELCOME HOME BINGHAM GOLD! What a game! Our boys were prepared for Riverton Copper, who came into yesterday's game undefeated. Our offensive and defensive lines did an amazing job and remained strong and consistent throughout the game. Everything came to life in the second quarter, where our offense intercepted the ball and ran it home for a touchdown. We scored an extra point in that same series and remained strong for the rest of the quarter, where our boys scored another touchdown and another extra point. This brought the score to 14-0 by the end of the second quarter and helped build our momentum for the remainder of the game. Third quarter was equally strong with two more touchdowns and a fumble recovery by our boys, raising the score to 26-0. And to top off a fantastic game, fourth quarter shut the door on Riverton Copper with another interception, leading to our final touchdown and extra point for the game. 33-0. Our defense came ready to play ball, and worked hard to shut down Riverton's offense. This made it impossible for Riverton to build any momentum throughout the game. Way to go defense! Congrats on another shut-out game! Our boys played hard and stayed the course to the end. We are now firmly in second place just behind Riverton Grey, who is the only team that remains undefeated in our conference. Next up is Alta Crimson who beat Alta Pewter 18-7 on Saturday. GO BINGHAM!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Game Pics - 9/20/08

Bingham Gold vs. Alta Pewter
(19-12 Bingham)

What a comeback! Way to go Bingham Gold! Our boys rose to the occasion today by beating Alta Pewter. The team looked strong and remained dominant throughout the game. They came very close to scoring more than once in the first quarter, but the end zone eluded them. The boys played hard though and made it up in the second, third, and fourth quarters, where they scored a touchdown per quarter for the remainder of the game plus an extra point in the second quarter. Alta Pewter lucked out in the fourth quarter with two touchdowns, the second one happening right at the end of the game. Alta amazingly caught a long 25 yard pass, which put them just outside of the end zone. They were able to punch a final touchdown over the line with only a couple of minutes left on the clock. Our team worked hard all week long at practice, and it showed! They united together and played well today - in spite of lots of wind and the few occasional rain bursts that hung overhead for most of the game. We are currently ranked in second place for our conference, and are running neck and neck with Riverton Copper and Bingham Silver. Next up is Riverton Copper who beat Bingham Silver today and remains undefeated in our conference. Riverton has put up a powerhouse football program these past few years, and it is sure to be another great game. Go Bingham Gold ... Whip the Silverwolves next Saturday!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Game Pics - 9/13/08

Bingham Gold vs. Bingham Silver
(0-27 Bingham Silver)

Heartbreaker! Our boys experienced a tough loss on Saturday - their first of the season. Bingham Silver came to play ball, and they were ready for us. In the end, our boys played well in several areas this game, and Bingham Silver's points on the board came largely from their ability to capitalize on their exceptional field position as they began three of their scoring series within 5 yards of the end zone. The boys learned some great lessons, and they remained positive and gave their full effort throughout the game. Fortunately for the team, it was a regular season game and not a playoff game. They have quite a few Saturdays left to play, and many more chances to shine! Our boys have learned that they have to earn every game, and that they have to work together as a team in order to win. They will come back strong next week, and if we get the chance to meet up with Bingham Silver again, we'll be ready for them!! Next up is Alta Pewter who won 14-0 on Saturday against Riverton Grey. Go Bingham Gold!! You ROCK!!


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Game Pics - 9/6/08

Bingham Gold vs. Copper Hills Silver
(33-0 Bingham)

Way to go Bingham! It was another impressive win over Copper Hills Silver on Saturday. Here's how it played out ... First quarter started out strong again this game with a couple of touchdowns and an extra point, and our good fortune continued on in the second quarter with a nice fumble recovery, a touchdown with an extra point, and an impressive interception - all of which set the flow of the game. The boys gulped down watermelon and drinks at halftime and came back ready to show their stuff again in the last half with a touchdown in both the third and fourth quarters and a final extra point in the fourth quarter - bringing our total score to 33. And once again, our defense was outstanding, allowing no points and giving very little overall yardage to Copper Hills. And so stands our motto - "If they can't score, they can't win!" Way to go defense! Our boys have become a team and are having a terrific season together. Our only regrets of the game are the two ankle injuries suffered by Parker Nay and Mac Tebbs. We hope they're recovering nicely and will be able to re-join us again this Saturday. Next up is a big rival game against Bingham Silver, who won 13-0 on Saturday against Alta Pewter. Keep up the great work boys. It will be a good one ... Go Bingham!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Game Pics - 8/30/08

Bingham Gold vs. Taylorsville Gold
(52-0 Bingham)

How about those Miners?! Our boys had a huge win for our season opener against the Taylorsville Warriors, and they got the chance to shine in spite of the dust, heat, and wind. First quarter started out stong with two touchdowns plus an extra point scored, and second quarter followed with a couple of more rushing touchdowns. Third quarter began with a nice kick return touchdown, and the tide continued in our favor with a couple of terrific fumble recoveries on defense, another rushing touchdown, and two extra points scored. Fourth quarter ended Bingham's scoring spree with two more rushing touchdowns and a final extra point. Defense remained stong the entire game and didn't allow any opposing plays to make it around the ends. Both our stong offense and defense made it very difficult for Taylorsville to get anything good going the entire game. We'll take two touchdowns per quarter any day of the week! ... Although we're sure to meet up with tougher opponents in future games. The boys have worked hard for five weeks to prepare for their first season game, and they stepped up to meet the challenge. Way to go boys and congrats on a great win! We are ranked first in our division after Saturday's game and are now officially on the road to the championship! Next up is Copper Hills Silver, who lost 6-7 against Bingham Silver on Saturday.

Water Balloon Fight - 8/26/08

The boys had a great time at our surprise water ballon fight after practice! We had quite the arsenal ... almost 700 balloons were filled just for this occasion! Who do you think got wetter - the players or the coaches?! It's hard to tell... Thanks to all who helped create a fun memory for the team.